
Sunday, May 3, 2009

The variables you cannot predict

One of the most interesting things about any murder investigation are the things the killer cannot predict. So in this post I am going to discuss the variables her killer(s) could not have predicted.

1. Hurricane Andrew
The afternoon Tammy Zywicki disappeared Hurricane Andrew was poised to hit south Florida on August 24th. This limited media coverage of Tammy's case mainly to the Midwest, although no one really knows how far. All I know is it seemed to be covered in Northern Illinois and the part of Iowa her college was located, but elsewhere it got little coverage. I have already discussed before why this might be important.

2. Using the bathroom
Sometimes I think the name of the article written about her case "The Long Road Back" could be right on target because examining certain things about her trip or whether she drank sodas on her long trips in a hot car with no A/C might be important. Basically, I believe that when you got to go you got to go and unlike guys you cannot just go along the side of the expressway.

3. Quarters
I wonder whether she left the change in her car or whether she had any change on her, etc. The reason is that IF she left the car voluntarily to walk to a gas station, you would think she might try to take some change to make a pay phone call. The problem is determining if any change is missing or if she had change to begin with.

4. The past of the mysterious semi with the orange rust-colored stripes
According to the FBI, close to 1500 logos match the logo design of the semi parked by Tammy's car. The wierd thing is that in nearly 17 years I have yet to see one that was even remotely close. What is amazing to me is that even if Tammy's killer parked the semi forever after the crime, he could not predict all the people that would know it along the way: the painter of the logo, the other drivers who knew him by his truck, etc. That is what is so odd. For the most part I do not even discuss the semi description because by now that semi is most likely junk and you can go on and on about all the sightings of this mysterious semi. In Indiana and Illinois alone there were numerious stories about semi drivers that were stopped who might be linked to Tammy Zywicki.

5. El Derecho- A windstorm that occurred on July 2, 1992 in the Chicago area. It would have caused alot of damage to trees and fences.

6. The other woman-
Supposedly a woman broke down a little bit before Tammy Zywicki right around the same time as her and thinks she missed seeing Tammy alongside the road by only 15 minutes or so. If it is a good samaritan prowling the highways like I-80 wouldn't it be a good idea to try and find out who broke down alongside I-80 on August 23, 1992, leading up to Tammy Zywicki's disappearance spot? The main question is why did the person kidnap and rob Tammy Zywicki but no one else? Maybe someone who broke down before Tammy Zywicki spoke to her kidnapper?

Maybe at the end of the day what my blog proved is that Tammy Zywicki's killer really is dead. As for the semi, I'll keep my eyes open.
